Christian Funeral Society

"Carry each other's burdens"

Galatians 6:2 was the inspiration when the Society was created more than 75 years ago. Learning from their own experiences, charter members assisted immigrants to the Edmonton area by providing translating services and job hunting opportunities to house hunting, banking and medical help. The charter members themselves were immigrants following WWI and fully understood what new immigrants would be going through. Since those humble beginnings, the Society evolved to become instrumental in helping its members manage the cost of funerals.


Become a member and be encouraged knowing that you are following in the footsteps of our early immigrants, who helped and supported each other in sad and difficult times. Together they started churches, schools, colleges, universities, and other Christian organizations such as Christian Burial Fund.


As a Society it is a privilege to walk with your loved ones during one of life’s most difficult times. We wish to remove the additional task of funeral management and provide an economical option at the same time. Our member’s support is key to sustaining this service. 


Galatians 6:2 asks us to "Carry each other's burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." NIV. 


Our Society subscribes to this verse so that in a time of need, our membership will help you carry the burden of loss.